If you are self-employed
The Netherlands is a very attractive country in terms of investment and self-fulfilments. Stable economic situation and high prices for services are the main reasons for emigration to the Netherlands. Most selected economic activities in the Netherlands is self-employment. This form applies to the professions like dentist, hairdresser or beautician. Person, which have decided to start this type of activity, depending on the services performed, must provide additional documentation such as licenses or credentials.
To open company in the Netherlands, you must register with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kamer van Koophandel) and the tax office (belastingdienst). Depending on the specification of activities, in addition to the Office of Immigration and Naturalization Service (Immigratie en Naturalisatiedienst) must be provided: a document for registration, together with a description of activities, business plan, proof of registration with the tax office, a copy of a contract to buy or rent a room intended for the abode of the company.
Services sector in the Netherlands is extremely porous and extensive branch of the economy of this country. Despite the favourable state policy in many sectors, the demand for a variety of services not covered. This situation concerns mainly the construction sector, because Dutch companies willing to take the minor construction work.
Large demand for workers and small businesses provides great opportunities entrepreneurs from foreign countries. Similarly, the situation looks for renovations and demolitions. Right of residence and labor law is much more favorable for foreigners from the European Union. Immigrants from outside the EU must apply for a residence and a work permit.