BSN (het burgerservicenummer) – since November 2007 it is a tax identification number in the Netherlands (current equivalent SOFI number). Everyone who works in the Netherlands must have a BSN, it is necessary to settle all the formalities in various Dutch institutions. BSN seems to Dutch Tax Office (Belastingdienst). SOFI number obtained to November 2007 are automatically changed to the BSN. To get this number You need to make an appointment in the Belastingdienst.
Document needed to obtain BSN for tax partner:
- colour copy of passport or identity card an applicant for BSN and tax partner
- confirmation registration an applicant for BSN and tax partner (translated into English, German or Dutch )
- birth certificate (European print) an applicant for the Sofi number
- marriage certificate (European print)
- copy of the Sofi number from fiscal partner